Wheat poison kills 1,600 people in Afghanistan

Afghans ever had liver disease caused by toxic food ingredients flour. This flour is consumed by the citizens of a mass in the form of bread.

the poisoning occurred in the year 1974-1976, as a result of up to 1,600 people were killed. While 6,200 others were critical. Not only that, in 2008 similar cases from happening again in Afghanistan.

More than 100 people have received medical care and 10 people reportedly were killed. Having investigated this flour contains charmac in the form of grain which can secrete alkaloids pyrrolizidin.

This substance is naturally out to protect plants from damage. One type of plant alkaloid that is known to contain morphine.

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Wheat poison kills 1,600 people in Afghanistan Wheat poison kills 1,600 people in Afghanistan Reviewed by Trik Online on 12:01 Rating: 5

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