Abstinence Food Pregnant Women

Abstinence Food Pregnant Women - Healthy diet becomes a key condition for pregnant women consumed. Of healthy foods is always contained nutrients - nutrients that can stimulate the growth of healthy both for physical and infant brain. Good nutrition and safe will affect the health of the fetus in the abdomen. Start 4-week-old fetus of pregnant women should diligently consume protein foods and vitamin in an amount sufficient to meet fetal nutrition. Since the development of the fetus in the womb is also triggered from the food consumed by the mother. Diligently to check the content of every month and always consult the nearest midwife to continue to monitor the baby's development.

To maintain and stimulate growth remains good for pregnant women to know the food prohibition. Food and beverages consumed was very influential in the fetus in the womb. Here is food taboos pregnant women should be avoided during pregnancy.

1. raw or half-cooked food.

In the food is still raw or partially cooked allow bacteria contained therein so as to affect the health of the baby and mother. Thus in consuming food - should be cooked perfectly.

2. Alcohol

Although red wine is able to maintain a healthy body, but is not recommended for pregnant women consumed. Because the toxic nature of all types of alcohol to the baby. So for pregnant women are prohibited from consuming alcohol although only slightly.

3. Caffeine

Some studies suggest that caffeine consumed by a pregnant woman sparked a small baby's weight at birth later. If you want to consume very little should not be too much besides is not good for the baby is also not good for the health of his mother's.

By knowing the food taboos for pregnant women will make a baby stay healthy and always consume nutritious foods on a daily basis. Fetal development will be more healthy and good with ideal weight when her mother always consume healthy food and proper nutrition. Various food inntant also not good for pregnant women consumed because they contain high amounts of preservatives.

Abstinence Food Pregnant Women Abstinence Food Pregnant Women Reviewed by Trik Online on 10:31 Rating: 5

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