Remove Email Account in Cpanel
Remove Email Account in Cpanel - Cpanel is a control panel that is quite popular and has many functions, one of which is to delete the email account in cpanel. Cpanel is specially designed to function on a virtual private server that will be used on the operating system Red Hat Linux, CentOS, and FreeBSD. Some applications that have the support of this cpanel include MySQL, Python, PHP, Postgres, Apache, Perl, email, and BIND.
In addition to the purposes delete an email account in cpanel, there are other functions that can be performed by cpanel. Cpanel is a bridge that is used to send commands or transfer technical support to the program website. As a bridge, of course he has many benefits, including:
- Creating an email forwarder
- Creating or also remove users in MySQL database
- To configure PHP
- To configure security on the folder
- Uploading files to a website or database
- Able to monitor and determine the number of visitors to a website
- Helps instantly install some scripts website, for example wordpress
- By using the IP address.
- With cpanel address.
- By using ports 2082 or 2083.
- Can also log in Client Area.
- Please feel free to log in to cpanel first. We can choose the way in which. Do not forget to fill in the username and password.
- Once logged in, select Mail Accounts menu, to then select Mail.
- Find the email account will be deleted.
- Select the Delete menu on the right of the email account you selected earlier.
- Confirm Delete, and the process was completed.
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Remove Email Account in Cpanel
Reviewed by Trik Online
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