Development Cycle A Blog

Development Cycle A Blog - Lots of bloggers out there who are already successful and have no little each month of the blog management. Maybe this could be an inspiration for you to do the same thing too. However you may still confused why they can like it when just using blogs. It turns out that the key lies in the development cycle phase or a blog that they do on the right track.

Perhaps many of you are still confused and desperate because there is also getting results from your blog governance. Keep trying not to give up because something was not possible to obtain success for granted. You also need to know they are already successful with a blog is not over a short time. There are several development cycles a blog you need to pass the long time.
You need to know the four phases or cycles of development of a blog in the blog management. It is important for you to know are:

1. The establishment phase, the initial phase is needed to create useful content and quality. Usually consists of 50-100 article with the time it takes approximately 3 to 6 months.

2. traffic growth phase, this phase usually can be seen with increasing customer comments and RSS on your blog. In this phase, you can plan the income you earn on your blog and the time taken approximately 6-12 months.

3. Phase maturity and monetiasasi, if a visitor on your blog is already headed in the thousands, or has shown that traffic is stable.

4. The maintenance phase, this is the phase where the blogger was able to enjoy the fruits of his hard work over the years. Because bloggers here are only required to perform maintenance to keep them famous.

So now what is the age of your blog? Do not have too much to complain if you have not been able to earn money from blogs. If you do not meet the patient phase and remain consistent in doing development on your blog. There is never a shortcut to get a natural success. Skip phase of gradual development of a blog and stay on track.
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Development Cycle A Blog Development Cycle A Blog Reviewed by Trik Online on 22:06 Rating: 5

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