Mysterious death: 120 Thousand Tailed Dead antelope in Kazakhstan

In just a few days as many as 120 thousand heads antelope in Kasakhtan died suddenly. This condition is very alarming considering the antelope is one of the endangered animals. dead animals antelope is the parent and the child. Before dying, these animals showed symptoms such strange looks depression, diarrhea, and mouth foaming. and also respiratory problems and stop eating. When a parent dies, the child will become depressed and will participate die a day or two days later. The number of dead antelope to half the world's population numbered only 250 thousand heads.

Cause of death is not known for sure. pasteurellosis bacteria and klostirida always found in dead animals. These bacteria are naturally present in the system antelope. To be able to turn it off there must be something causing antelope decreased endurance. Researchers speculate that the causes of climate into the animal's death.

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Mysterious death: 120 Thousand Tailed Dead antelope in Kazakhstan Mysterious death: 120 Thousand Tailed Dead antelope in Kazakhstan Reviewed by Trik Online on 14:42 Rating: 5

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