the benefits of tomatoes for beauty

Beauty secrets with tomato talked about around the world. And especially if you are one of those people who wonder why Asian women are so pretty, there is a secret to you! It's all about the lycopene in tomatoes!

One of the benefits of tomatoes for your skin ... Do you want your skin to be firmer, brighter and more beautiful though often in the sun? And how you will find delicious tomatoes and natural and are always available to you when you need it for maintenance purposes?

currently has a lot of processed tomato products on the market. Be it in the form of fresh tomatoes until the tomato sauce. Sources delicious made from tomato lycopene will be a treasure for your kitchen as you learn about the contribution of lycopene for your beauty.

Here is about what contribution tomatoes for your beauty:

If you eat tomatoes and tomatoes are plentiful, the content of lycopene in your skin will naturally increase, your skin will naturally become like a baby's skin. In addition, the skin with a high lycopene content is not affected by the dangers of the sun. A general view of the nutritionists is that tomatoes protect your skin against ultraviolet rays.

Tomatoes and other tomato products allow your skin to take in oxygen from the air, delaying aging and wrinkles on your skin.

Consume at least 200 g in sehari.baik it was cooked or fresh tomatoes in a day will ensure your skin look younger all the time. When you directly apply lotions and creams with a high lycopene content, you may experience a bit of tanning and skin color glow.

According to studies conducted by the medical research centers worldwide famous, lycopene contained in tomatoes and tomato products are protective against the risk of skin cancer, which has become a dangerous disease today.

the benefits of tomatoes for beauty the benefits of tomatoes for beauty Reviewed by Trik Online on 20:30 Rating: 5

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