FBI: Challenges Program Identifier Tattoos Make Criminals

The United States government asked the experts to create a computer algorithm capable of identifying criminals only through the tattoos on his body.

The Government, through the FBI, launched The Tattoo Recognition Technology-Challenge (Tatt-C) is a challenge to build the technology in the introduction of the tattoo. Programs that will be created are expected to match the tattoo from someone with a similar tattoo that belongs to someone else.

The program was tested at the US National Institute of Standards of Technology (NIST), Maryland. expectations with Tatt-C is expected to distinguish between the print image, computer graphics, and natural images. so that it can detect an image there is a tattoo or not.

Some researchers have been invited to participate in this event, even though the software for this purpose is already in the process of development.

FBI: Challenges Program Identifier Tattoos Make Criminals FBI: Challenges Program Identifier Tattoos Make Criminals Reviewed by Trik Online on 13:30 Rating: 5

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